Take my Brussel Sprouts vs Sprinkles on the Cake

Read Time: 5-7 minutes 

By: Heather Wentler 

Instead of looking at staff as taking the pieces off your plate you don’t want, your staff are the sprinkles on top of the cake, adding extra joy and innovation to your business.

As an entrepreneur, especially those who are solo-entrepreneurs, you may often find yourself immersed in a whirlwind of thoughts and responsibilities, like you’re trapped in an echo chamber of your own making. The weight of managing everything alone can be overwhelming, and you might start to miss the camaraderie and shared responsibilities of your previous job(s). Even if you have co-founders, the journey of entrepreneurship can still feel isolating at times. The desire to share the load or bring in additional people is completely valid and often necessary.

Please take my Brussel Sprouts

Hiring staff can bring tremendous benefits to your business, but it’s important to approach this step thoughtfully. When I coach entrepreneurs about hiring, especially those who are new to it, we start by identifying the specific needs of the company. I often use the analogy of a full plate at a big dinner. Imagine you're at a feast with countless delicious dishes. You fill your plate with a bit of everything; but as you eat, you start feeling overwhelmed by how much is there. You might even look at some items on your plate and wonder if you can pass them off or leave them behind.

Hiring your first staff member can sometimes feel like dealing with those "brussel sprouts" on your plate—passing of the tasks or roles you’d rather avoid. I’ve seen this play out countless times with startups: the founder feels swamped, hires someone to take on the less appealing tasks, and then realizes a few months later that the hire wasn’t the right fit for the company's true needs. If this sounds familiar, take comfort in knowing you’re not alone. This is a common experience for first-time business owners. For insights on my own journey and the lessons learned, check out my post on "5 Startup Leadership Lessons I’ve Learned Since Hiring My First Employee."

Creating the Recipe for Staffing Success

Let’s stick with the dining analogy. Before you can serve a delicious meal, there’s a lot of preparation involved. You plan the date, create a menu, gather ingredients, and carefully prepare the dishes. Similarly, hiring involves several steps:

  1. Identify Needs: Determine when you need staff and what the role will be.

  2. Recruitment: Post the job listing, conduct interviews, and handle HR documentation.

  3. Onboarding New Staff: Set up onboarding (and offboarding) procedures, and create an employee handbook.

  4. Management: Evaluate company operations for managing employees and establish communication processes.

From my experience, many entrepreneurs skip some of these crucial steps, either because they’re overwhelmed, or they believe they can address these details later. This often leads to challenges with staff performance and alignment with company goals.

Balancing Responsibility

Hiring staff is not about removing responsibilities from your plate; it’s more about redistributing them. As the leader, you’ll always be accountable for the company's outcomes—successes, failures, and everything in between. Even with a fantastic team, you’re still responsible for providing direction and support.

When things don’t go as planned, it’s not the fault of the staff or the tools—they’re simply part of the process. You don’t blame the oven when the dish comes out burned if you weren’t monitoring or making sure you’ve done all you can do so that the oven works correctly. The key is to ensure you’re providing clear guidance and support to your team. Remember, staff can’t excel without the right direction and communication from you.

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Entrepreneurship is undeniably challenging and often romanticized as a path to effortless success. The reality is that running a business requires constant effort and a willingness to adapt. While staffing issues can be daunting, they also bring opportunities for growth and joy. A well-chosen team can elevate your business and contribute to its success in ways you might not have anticipated.

Staffing issues, from daily communication to overall job performance, are going to make you feel uncomfortable at times. They’re also going to be a great source of joy and success. Staff will challenge you in not just day-to-day interactions, if you create a company culture where they can give their input, they’re going to push you into new areas of growth and opportunities that you may have not even seen available. 

Instead of looking at staff as taking the pieces off your plate you don’t want, your staff are the sprinkles on top of the cake, adding extra joy and innovation to your business. But to truly enjoy the benefits, you need to invest time and effort into creating a solid foundation for their success. With dedication and the right approach, you can turn those brussel sprouts into a recipe for growth and achievement.