Evergreen Fund Sponsors

Evergreen Fund Statistics
Please note: Not all ventures the Doyenne Evergreen Fund has funded are listed above. Due to the nature of the Evergreen Fund of providing fiscal impact for early-stage ventures, not all ventures have logos when funds are awarded. As ventures mature and develop logos we will add them to the listing above.
Investment Committee: The Doyenne Evergreen Fund awards dollars to ventures based upon a review by our Investment Committee. All members of the committee are unpaid, volunteer seat holders with the exception of Doyenne's Executive Director. The committee selects ventures to fund based on criteria outlined in the Evergreen Fund application questions and follow-up questions & materials (if applicable). Each committee member holds 1 vote and the majority of votes of the overall committee determines whether a venture secures funding. Doyenne does not publicly promote Investment Committee member names and/or contact information out of respect for the members' privacy.
Demographics of Investment Committee:
Women = 100%
Black, Indigenous, Person of Color = 57%
Caucasian/White = 43%
Funded Ventures' Founder Demographics: The following information has been collected through Evergreen Fund application forms submitted by the founders of the ventures. Ventures applying for funding are asked to supply gender and ethnicity/race identification for all individuals considered founders of their ventures, not just the individual who is applying. Doyenne allows for individuals to select multiple ethnicity/race identifications as well as a "Choose Not to Answer" response.
Demographics of Funded Ventures
Women = 86%
Men = 17%
Black, Indigenous, Person of Color = 31%
Caucasian/White = 48%
"Choose not to answer" = 21%
Prior to 2021 Doyenne did not track LGBTQIA+ identification or provide non-binary identification options for applicants. This has been changed and is now being tracked.