Doyenne Group, Inc., Heather Wentler

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Sarah niehaus of unmasked ventures llc

Unmasked Ventures LLC aims to address the unfortunate problem that there are many would-be entrepreneurs that struggle with the currently established startup support services due to a variety of reasons including a lack of understanding their intrinsic personal strengths, neurodivergence (specifically ADHD, autism, and other learning differences), mindset and accountability, and other lacking individualized support needs. To aid these individuals, Unmasked Ventures LLC will provide 1-1 and group virtually-based strengths-based coaching based on the Gallup CliftonStrengths model (certification will be in process) to help neurodiverse individuals work with themselves better. Unmasked Ventures LLC works with entrepreneurial ecosystem resource partners as well, providing thought leadership and consulting on their practices and how they may be helping or hindering the success of neurodiverse would-be entrepreneurs, as well as seeks out contractual agreements wherein they provide strengths-based training and support to entrepreneurs, students, and other groups available through these providers.