Lady Business Podcast S3 Ep7: We Are All The Collective

Season 3 Episode 7: We Are All The Collective


Price: free
Total Duration 40:09
Language: English


Sarah Taylor is an award-winning actor, writer, and stand up comedian based in Los Angeles. Variety calls her “stunningly good”, Backstage West says she’s “glorious”, and The Chicago Reader finds her “impressive” and “mercurial”…which might just be a nice way of saying she’s moody. (To learn more, click here.)

Sarah has worked as a meditation teacher, energy healing practitioner and awakening guide for nearly fifteen years and has helped people find their authentic well-being. (To learn more, click here)

Sarah performs comedy in Los Angeles and all over. From the profound to the profane, the sublime to the silly, her comedy illuminates the paradox of the human experience.

Having gone through her own radical transformation, often known as non-dual awakening, and in working as a mentor and energy healer for many years, Sarah is gathering her wisdom and wit and writing The Divine Mess: How To Be A Nobody In Hollywood. It’s a humorous and helpful book for anyone who yearns to find what spiritual seekers have sought for centuries, or for people who just want to take a deep breath and sleep better at night.

At The Hollywood Improv she has produced COSMIC JOKE and now WEIRD ADVICE with Sarah Taylor & Friends in the Lab. Sarah takes THE DIVINE MESS SHOW on tour, which is a one-of-a-kind experience that includes Sarah’s comedy with its unique point of view. Reach out to bring her to your community (post pandemic, of course)!

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LBP S3 Ep7: We Are All The Collective