Ask a Coach - Pooja Shah
09/16/2020 12:00 to 09/16/2020 13:00 (US/Central)

Ask a coach:
Pooja Shah
Join us to ask your questions during this live coaching session
Pooja Shah has a varied background in engineering, design, finance, and strategy, most recently working with both corporates and startups to innovate and build stronger relationships with each other.
Pooja helped establish and was an investor with both QBE’s corporate venture capital arm, QBE Ventures, and the OnRamp Insurance Accelerator.
Pooja holds a Master’s in Engineering Management from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from MIT.
On the weekends, you can usually find Pooja buried in a book or testing out a new dessert concoction/recipe.
To submit a question for Pooja, click here.
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