Ask a Coach - Richelle Martin
05/20/2020 12:00 to 05/20/2020 13:00 (US/Central)

Ask a coach:
Richelle Martin
Join us to ask your questions during this live coaching session
Richelle Martin is the Managing Director of the Winnow Fund. Come with all your investor questions as well as questions around how to prepare for taking on investment within your venture.
Registration Link will be emailed and shown above once you complete your registration to this program.
This program is open to EVERYONE, not just Doyenne members.
By registering for this program, you agree to Doyenne's Code of Conduct
Doyenne Illness Policy: It takes all of us caring for ourselves and others to be at our best. If the program/event you are registering for has an in-person attendance option and you are feeling ill on the day of the Doyenne program, please opt to attend virtually rather than in-person for the wellness of everyone. The email sent to attendees on the day of the program will always have the physical (if applicable) and virtual address link.
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