Legal Considerations For Your New Business
05/01/2024 17:30 to 05/01/2024 19:30 (US/Central)
United States
Legal considerations for your new business - partnership with wit and 100state
"Legal Considerations for Your New Business" provides current and aspiring business owners with an overview of the legal issues they may confront as they start, buy, manage, grow, evolve, and sell a business. This presentation touches on entity selection, ownership planning, debt and equity financing, intellectual property, customer contracts, employment issues, dispute resolution, and real estate matters.
Participants will leave with a good sense of the issues they should discuss with their business attorney, and understanding what to expect and demand when working with them. Questions encouraged!
Please note: This is a blended event. Zoom and physical location for the event will be sent to registrants the day of the event.
If you plan on attending in-person, the event will be held at 100state in Madison.