New Member Meet Up - July 2020
07/29/2020 12:00 to 07/29/2020 13:00 (US/Central)
United States
United States

You're needed here. This coalition of women entrepreneurs is growing, and we'd like to help orient you in how to navigate the Doyenne landscape and facilitate connections within the network. Yes, that means connecting with some other amazing women, noshing on your favorite lunch, and expressing your authenticity.
By registering for this program, you agree to Doyenne's Code of Conduct
Doyenne Illness Policy: It takes all of us caring for ourselves and others to be at our best. If the program/event you are registering for has an in-person attendance option and you are feeling ill on the day of the Doyenne program, please opt to attend virtually rather than in-person for the wellness of everyone. The email sent to attendees on the day of the program will always have the physical (if applicable) and virtual address link.
organizational level Sponsors