Strategy Accelerator - Fall 2020
09/07/2020 16:00 to 09/11/2020 14:00 (US/Central)
United States
Doyenne fall 2020
Official dates for Strategy Accelerator pending
While the ticket sales are open until August 26, you must be registered by August 14 to be considered for the Fall 2020 Accelerator.
The 12-week Strategy Accelerator is laid out to meet your goals within the program and also understand that entrepreneurship happens within a life and that you have other goals and responsibilities as part of your life. The following outline is a general guideline of weekly requirements and expectations while you're part of the program. Ultimately, your end result directly corresponds to how much you take advantage of the opportunities laid out and the dedication you put into the process.
All workshops part of the Strategy Accelerator will be virtual with links and calendar invites sent to attendees ahead of workshop dates.
Week 1: Kickoff Event (2 hours) - Meet with other participants and your Doyenne coach to learn about each other, your ventures, and what you're hoping to achieve during the 12-weeks in the Accelerator
Week 2:One-on-One Coaching Session with your Doyenne Coach: Continue conversations started at the Kickoff Event and begin formulating
your strategic plan & goals. This meeting will be scheduled between you and your coach based on your availabilities.
Weeks 3-4: Visual Model Workshop(s) (90 minutes) - outline above
Week 5: One-on-One Coaching Session with your Doyenne Coach: Continue conversations started at the Kickoff Event and begin formulating
your strategic plan & goals. This meeting will be scheduled between you and your coach based on your availabilities.
Weeks 6-7: SEI Emotional Intelligence Assessment Workshops (2.5 hours total) - outline above
Week 8: Retreat (full day) - outline above
Week 9: Pitch Practice 1 Workshop (2 hours) - outline above
One-on-One Coaching Session with your Doyenne Coach: Continue conversations started at the Kickoff Event and begin formulating
your strategic plan & goals. This meeting will be scheduled between you and your coach based on your availabilities.
Week 10: Pitch Practice 2 Workshop (2 hours) - outline above
One-on-One Coaching Session with your Doyenne Coach: Continue conversations started at the Kickoff Event and begin formulating
your strategic plan & goals. This meeting will be scheduled between you and your coach based on your availabilities.
Week 11: Showcase Event (2 hours) - outline above
Week 12: Celebration & Conclusion of program (optional, 1.5 hours)
By registering for this program, you agree to Doyenne's Code of Conduct
Doyenne Illness Policy: It takes all of us caring for ourselves and others to be at our best. If the program/event you are registering for has an in-person attendance option and you are feeling ill on the day of the Doyenne program, please opt to attend virtually rather than in-person for the wellness of everyone. The email sent to attendees on the day of the program will always have the physical (if applicable) and virtual address link.
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